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Yoga Certification Optimization Mastery level 3( YCB)
Module 1 Introduction
How to Start the Level 3 Assignment in Stages Listen to this First (10:27)
Yoga Certification Books
Yoga Prayers (9:58)
Gurur Brahma and Laye Sambhodaye Prayer (4:38)
Theory and Practical Session Timings for Level 3
Alternate Asanas
Asanas list Optional Level 3
Current Schedule
Practical Yoga Session 1 (73:27)
Yoga Examination form
Module 2 Foundation of Yoga
Definitions of Yoga (Patanjala Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita, Kathopanishad). (16:25)
Etymology of Yoga (7:16)
Brief Introduction to origin, history and development of Yoga (33:39)
Yoga in Principle Upanishads. (89:59)
Yoga tradition in Jainism and Kayotsarga (83:57)
Yoga Tradition in Buddhism: the concept of Four noble truths (46:47)
General introduction to Shad Darshana with special emphasis on Samkhya (35:31)
Salient Features Astika and Nastika (67:16)
Concept of Trigunas (43:08)
Concept of Pancha Kosha (26:19)
Guiding principles to be followed by the Yoga practioner.
Aims and Objectives of Yoga Education/ Misconception (46:15)
Concept of Pancha Prana and Upa prana (74:27)
Module 3 Foundation of Yoga Part 2
Concept and Principles of Sukshma Vyayama, Sthula Vyayama (43:54)
Concept and Principles of Shatkarma: Meaning, Types, Principles and their significance in Yoga Sadhana (69:10)
Principles and Practices of Bhakti Yoga (13:29)
Principles and Practices of Jnana Yoga (10:18)
Principles and Practices of Karma Yoga (12:27)
Concept and Principles of Yogasana: Meaning, definition types and their significance in Yoga Sadhana. (50:25)
Concept and Principles of Pranayama: Meaning, definition, types and their significance in Yoga Sadhana. (40:16)
Introduction to Bandha & Mudra and their health benefits. (28:12)
Introduction to Dhyana and its role in health and well being.
Introduction to Yogic relaxation techniques with special reference to Yoga Nidra
Module 4 Introduction to Yoga Texts Patanjali Yoga Sutra Part 1
Patanjali Yoga Sutra I-1 to 5 29 Sept (113:30)
PYS II-1 Kriya Yoga Sutra (12:36)
Patanjali Yoga Sutras I -6 to 9 and I - 11, I-13 (45:45)
Patanjali Yoga Sutra I-10,I,14,II-46,II-47 (46:41)
Patanjali Yoga Sutra II-1.II-2.II-3 (51:15)
Concept of Mental well-being according to PYS (23:02)
Practical Session (74:35)
Patanjali Yoga Sutras I: 12 (79:45)
Concept of Pancha Kosha and Chitta Bhumi (39:29)
Concept of Chittaprasadanam (11:52)
Module 5 Introduction to Yoga Texts Patanjali Yoga Sutra Part 2
Concept of Kriya Yoga of Patanjali and its importance for healthy living. (28:54)
Patanjali Yoga Sutra III 1 to 2 (28:47)
Patanjali Yoga Sutra II 48 to 50 (71:46)
Patanjali Yoga Sutra III 3 (44:51)
Patanjali Yoga Sutra -III-4 (22:29)
Patanjali Yoga Sutra III-5 (35:49)
Practical Session (88:06)
Corporate Yoga Session 08 Sept (52:13)
ALL Sutras in Level 3
Module 6 UNIT 2 Introduction to Yoga Texts Part 2
Concept of Ishwara and its relevance in Yogasadhana, qualities of Ishwara, Ishwarapranidhana (17:17)
Importance of Dinacharya and Ritucharya for Wellbeing (35:06)
Significance of Bhagavat Gita with Reference to Yoga (10:18)
Concept of Ahara, Vichara (3:23)
Laghu Shankha Prakshalana (44:56)
Practical Laghu Sankha Prakshalana (76:13)
Hatha Yoga Pradipika (53:03)
Practical Session 4 (88:06)
Concept of Suksumah Practices 01 OCT (31:29)
Obstacle in the Path of Yoga (41:16)
Module 7 Anatomy and Physiology
Skeletal System (76:52)
Circulatory System (42:56)
Digestive System (57:45)
Respiratory System (74:53)
Endocrine System (60:14)
Blood and its Components (71:16)
Introduction to Sense Organs (56:30)
Homeostasis: its mechanism and Role of Ahara Nidra (69:00)
Practical Session 3 (105:50)
Module 8 Yogic Concepts and practices
Level 3 Batch Timings
Seven Chakras and their health benefits (50:48)
Maha Mudra Practical and Theory (10:14)
Maha Bandha(Practical and Theory) (7:21)
Practical Session 3 (74:14)
Surya Namaskar Practical and Theory (30:08)
Module 9 Yoga for prevention and management of Life Style Disorders
General Concepts of Diseases Part 1 (64:09)
The Yogic Concept of Health, Wellness and Illiness (42:10)
Role of Yoga in Non-Communicable Disorders (72:44)
General Concepts of Diseases Part 2 (78:49)
Practical Session level 3 Sirsasana (54:33)
Jala Neti Secrets (10:52)
Module 10 Yoga Philosophy
Concept of Purushartha (9:17)
Teaching Methodology (85:19)
Meaning and Definition of Health, Concept of Adhis and Vyadhis (73:37)
Salient Features of Yoga Teachers (62:39)
Practical Session (90:44)
Jala Neti Secrets (10:52)
Yoga Vasistha (63:56)
Module 11 Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Psychology, 7 stages of Consciousness (60:45)
Role of Yoga in prevention and management of common disorder/ Determinants of Personalities (40:08)
Concept of Mental Health in PYS (23:02)
Examination Registration Link
Level 3 Renewal after 5 Months of Enrollment
Module 12 Meditation Practices
Preksha Meditation Stage 1 to Stage 3 (25:52)
Preksha Meditation Stage 4 (11:20)
Preksha Meditation Stage 5 (14:39)
Ajapa Dharana Recitation of Soham (13:51)
Antar Mauna (18:10)
Course Renewal Options
Module 13 Yoga and Education, Values
Education: Its meaning, definition and goal, role and importance of education in Human Excellence. (61:23)
Value Education: It’s Meaning and Definition, Types of Values, value-oriented Education in Personality Development. (43:05)
Behaviour Motivation and Emotion (51:25)
Role of Yogic practices in the Personality Development (78:14)
Contribution of Yoga for Value Education (26:46)
Yoga for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Tapatrayas (57:11)
Theory Session on Holistic Health (50:14)
Practical Session (32:57)
Practical Session 24 Aug (76:32)
Practical Session 06 Sept (69:57)
Practical Session 07 Sept
Practical Session 11 Sept (82:35)
Practical Session 20 Sept (84:52)
Module 14 Examination importance and Mock test Mastery
Mock VIVA Questions
Mock Test Mastery 1
Mock Test Mastery 2
Mock Test Mastery 3
Mock Test Mastery 4
Mock Test Mastery 5
Mock Test Mastery 6
Mock Test Mastery 7
Mock Test Mastery 8
Mock Test Mastery 9
Mock Test Mastery 10
Mock Test Mastery 11
Mock Test Mastery 12
Mock VVIA Importance 20 Oct
Mock VIVA importance 10 Dec
Examination Registration link
Exaimiation importance for level 3 as asked
Name the 10 Yama in Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Difference Between Anulom Viloma and Nadi Shodan Pranayama
Purpose of Asanas as per Patanjali
What are Klesha?
What are the Types of KapalBhati Kriya
Application of Asanas for Various Ailments
What are the Types of Devotees as per GITA
Practical Session Exam Impotance (78:31)
What is Soham Japa
What is Bhakti yoga ? Explanin in brief
Who has Written Vedas ?
Which Upanishad mentions about Soham Mantra
Types of Spinal Movements
Which Bandha is in Halasana
Definition of Mudra
Which Attitude in Yoga Mudra
Who has Written Yoga Nidra
Module 15 Recordings Precious Batches
Practical Session YCB AYUSH Workshop 23 March (80:11)
Practical Session 27 March (50:37)
Practical Session 01 April (62:59)
Practical Session 03 April (58:58)
Practical Session 19 April (72:50)
Practical Session 24 April (62:08)
Practical Session 27 April (63:14)
Practical Session 29 April (65:40)
Practical Session 03 May (61:20)
Practical Session 6 may (64:27)
Practical Session 08 May (57:46)
YCB Examination Workshop 11 May (99:54)
Practical Session 13 May (62:21)
Practical Session 15 may (57:20)
Practical Session 29 May (72:41)
Practical session 31 May (72:02)
Practical session 3 june (52:36)
Practical Session 5 june (72:26)
Practical Session 08 June (84:03)
Practical Session 10 June (90:50)
Practical Session 12 June (68:06)
Practical Session 15 June (62:29)
Practical Session 17 June (67:32)
Practical Session 24 June (66:03)
Module 16 Digital Yoga Training/ Workshops for Career Growth
Digital Yoga Training Workshop 24 Nov Fri (85:50)
Digital Yoga Training 18 Aug (129:44)
Course Renewal Options for Level 3
Course Planning Workshop and Yoga Therapist Details 22 Dec (77:41)
Yoga Channel Partner Details (11:43)
Elevate your Career 09 Feb (52:34)
Corporate Yoga Career 04 July (47:36)
Mock Test Mastery 9
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