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Yoga Certification Mastery Course Covers Level 2 Yoga Wellness Instructor (AYUSH)
Module 1 Introduction to the Certification
Introduction to the YCB AYUSH Certification (8:00)
Current Teaching Schedule
Important Guidelines before you Start (3:57)
Yoga Certification introduction (8:00)
Introduction to Certification (5:22)
Choose Your Accountability Partner New (2:00)
How to plan the course from Day 1 Step by step (63:08)
Yoga Log File for Level 2 Assignment
Aims and Objectives of Yoga Education (46:15)
Concept of Holistic Health (36:11)
Alternate Asanas
Batch Timings
Practical Session 19 OCT 4 pm (76:47)
Practical Session 21 OCT 7 15 am (68:18)
Practical Session 23 OCT (63:45)
Practical Session 26 OCT Sun 4 pm (64:44)
Practical Session 13 Nov (76:47)
Yoga Channel Partner Programme
Yoga Channel Partner Launch Video (11:43)
Module 2 Yogic Concepts
Yoga Certification and Examination Books
Yoga Prayers for Certification (9:58)
Defintions of Yoga Imp (16:25)
Yoga: Its origin, history and development. (33:39)
Etymology of Yoga (7:16)
Introduction and Principles of Samkhya Philosophy (35:31)
Four Paths of Yoga (9:43)
Principles of Yoga and practices of healthy living. Eight Limbs of Yoga (7:03)
Concept of Asanas (8:34)
Concept of Pranayama (9:16)
Pranayama Mor and Eve Routine Theory (11:41)
Pranayama Mor Routine (21:42)
Pranayama Eve Routine (19:48)
Sectional Breathing (12:36)
Practical Yoga Session 1 Day 1 and Day 2 (47:30)
Practical Yoga Session Day 3 and Day 4 (73:27)
Concept and Principles of Yogasana: Meaning, definition types and their significance in Yoga Sadhana. (50:25)
Principles of Pranayama (40:16)
Module 3 Unit 2- Introduction to Yoga Texts
Introduction to Hatha Yoga Pradipika with Quiz (53:06)
Obstacle and Solutions in the Path of Yoga IMP (41:16)
Introduction to Gherand Samhita (64:20)
Jala Neti Secrets (10:52)
Principles and Practices of Bhakti Yoga (13:29)
Principles and Practices of Karma Yoga (12:27)
Principle and practices of Jnana Yoga (10:18)
Concept of Kriya Yoga in PYS II-1 (12:36)
Concept of Pancha Kosha (26:19)
Practical Session 5 (73:24)
Practical Jala Neti Session (39:42)
Maha Mudra (10:14)
Laghu SankhPrakshalanana (44:56)
Maha Bandha (7:21)
Practical Laghu Sankhaprakshalana (76:14)
Module 4 - Patanjali Yoga Sutras
PYS Pancha kosha Chapter 1 to 5 Chitta Bhumis, Pancha Kosha (113:30)
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Chpater 1: 6 to 10 (34:23)
PYS Chapter 1: 11 (4:24)
Patanjali Yoga Sutra I: 12, 13,Chapter 2: 46, 47,47,49.50, (79:45)
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Chapter 1 : 13, 14 (76:23)
Patanjali Yoga Sutras II 48, II 49, II 50, Purak, Rechaka (60:22)
Patanjali Yoga Sutra III -1 and III -2 (28:47)
Concept of Vairagya in Patanjali Yoga Sutra (10:53)
Concept of Kleshas PYS (12:31)
Concept of Ishwara, Relevance and Ishwara Pranidhana (17:17)
Patanjali yoga Sutra1 to 5, Pancha Kosha and Chitta Bhumi (88:08)
Practica Yoga Session 4 Do 4 Days /Times (48:29)
Module 5 Important Yogic Concepts
Four Paths of Yoga (9:43)
Concept of Trigunas IMP (43:08)
Theory Session on Concept of Pancha Kosha and Chitta Bhumi (39:29)
Practical Yoga Session 3 do 4 Days/ Times (48:10)
Body Mind Scan Healing Meditation (24:13)
Theory Session on concepts of Sukshmah Vyamaha (31:29)
Practical Session 09 Sept (81:15)
Practical Session 14 Sept (76:32)
Practical Session 15 Sept (63:38)
Practical Session 20 Sept (84:52)
Practical Session 23 Sep (79:41)
Practical Session 27 Sept (55:40)
Practical Session 4 Oct (68:09)
Practical Session 11 OCT (68:18)
Practical Session 12 OCT (81:31)
Module 6- Anatomy Physiology Part 1
Skeletal System Basics (76:52)
Concept of Antarayas ( Obstacle) in PYS(3.8) (20:08)
Respiratory System (81:30)
Blood and its Components (81:52)
Introduction to Sense Organs (56:30)
Practical Session 6 (47:30)
Respiratory System (85:05)
Module 7 Anatomy Physiology Part 2
Digestive System (57:45)
Circulatory System (42:56)
Endocrine System (60:14)
Practical Session 7 (74:35)
Concepts of Dincharya and Ritucharya (43:30)
Module 8
Concept of Purushartha Imp (9:17)
Surya Namaskar Practical and Theory (30:08)
Concept of Chitta Bhumis (18:06)
Concept of healthy living in Bhagavad Gita (Ahara, Vihara, Achara, Vichara) (3:23)
Practical Session (60:03)
Course Renewal Option for Level 1 and 2
Module 9
Concept of Pancha Pranas and Upa Pranas (74:27)
Concept of Chitta Prasadanam (11:52)
Practical Session 9 (71:49)
Module 10
Concept of Tridoshas, Sapta Dhatu, Agni, Vayu and Mala; their role in wellness. (79:29)
Practical Session 10 (47:30)
Module 11
ChittaVrittaNiropaya, Dharana, Dhayana and Pratyahara Theory (17:30)
Practical Yoga Session 11 (56:48)
Module 12
Vedas Upanishads and Panch Kosha Concept (23:34)
Practical Yoga Session 12 (48:28)
Theory Session on Teaching Methodology (85:19)
Module 13
Practical Yoga Session 13 (88:06)
How to Register for Examination Process (59:28)
Upgrade to Level 3 Yoga Teacher and Evaluator Certification
Examination Registration link
Join the Yoga Partner Program and earn referral bonus
Level 2 Marks Distribution
Course Rerewal Level 1/2 Options
Module 14 Practical Session Pre Recorded for Practice Previous Batch
Practical YCB AYUSH Examination Importance (80:11)
Practical Session 01 May 545 am (56:50)
Practical Session 03 May Shoulder Strength (61:20)
Practical Session 06 May (64:27)
Practical Session 13 May (62:21)
Practical Session 15 May (57:20)
Practical Session 20 May (72:26)
Practical Session 22 May (70:15)
Practical Session 29 May (72:41)
Practical Session 31 May (72:02)
Practical Session 3 june (52:36)
Practical Session 5 June (47:13)
Practical Session 08 June (84:03)
Practical Session 10 June (90:50)
Practical Session 12 June (68:06)
Practical Session 15 June (62:29)
Practical Session 17 June (62:59)
Practical Session 24 June (66:03)
Practical Session 26 June (68:04)
Practical Session 28 June (64:46)
Practical Session 3 July (72:20)
Practical Session 12 July (70:23)
Practical Session 15 July (59:42)
Practical Session 15 July B2 (67:30)
Practical Session 30 Aug (63:55)
Practical Session 2 Sep (74:54)
Recordings Previous Batch
Practical Session 01 July (79:48)
Practical Session 10 July (79:26)
Practical Session 12 July (70:07)
YCB Examination Workshop 14 July (99:54)
Practical Session 17 July (73:10)
Practical Session 19 July (74:32)
Practical Session Sirsasana preparatory 20 july (78:54)
Practical Session 22 July (58:03)
Practical Session 24 July (78:56)
Practical Session 26 July (74:19)
Practical Session 31 July (74:41)
Practical Session 03 Aug (90:32)
Practical Session 05 Aug (63:51)
Practical Session 05 Aug B2 (68:00)
Practical Session 16 Aug (88:26)
Practical Session 17 Aug (79:41)
Practical Session 18 Aug (61:42)
Practical Session 19 Aug (86:49)
Practical Session 26 Aug (68:06)
Practical Session B2 21 Aug (87:02)
Practical Session 31 Aug 715/4 pm YCB Examination importance (90:55)
Module 15 Digital Yoga Training Workshop
Digital Yoga Workshop 23 July (85:50)
Digital Yoga Training Workshop 18 Aug (129:44)
Course Renewal Level 2 Yoga Wellness Instructor
Career Planning Session Niche Clarity and Level 3 15 Dec 23 (69:25)
Course Design Workshop 22 Dec and Yoga Therapist Details (77:41)
Elevate your Career 09 Feb (52:34)
Corporate Yoga Career 04 July 24 (110:08)
Module 16 Examination Importance
Name the 10 Yamas in HAthyogapradipika
From where does the Concept of Purushartha came from
Asanas in Hatha Yoga Pradipika
How many asanas are there in Patanjali Yoga Sutras?
In which Book the Kirtana is Found
Concept of Purushartha (9:17)
Concept of Prasthantrayi.
Concept of Yuktahara
Concept of Chatustaya
Maha Mudra ( Imp) (10:14)
Universal Prayers, Yoga Mudra etc
Concept of Chitta Prasadana (11:52)
Classification of Asanas
Benefits of Chin, Chinmaya and Adhi Mudra and Sectional Breathing IMP
Basic Stage of Nadanusandana
Sadhak and Badhak Tattva Verse Imp
Asanas in Sankh Praksalana
Important Asansa as per Hath Yoga Padipika
Astha Siddhis IMP
Type of Pranayama in PYS
Suryanamaskara Origin and Sourse IMP
Demonstrate Prana Mudra and Explain its benefits
Asanas and Pranayama Sutra in PYS
Comparision Raja Yoga and Hatha Yoga
Five General Principles of Yoga
Relationship between Pancha Kosa and Trisarira
Why Pajanjali yoga is called as Seshwara Samkhya
Explain Dinacharya and Ritucharya in Brief Imp
Brief about Antar Mauna
Mudras in HathYoga Pradipika IMP
Recitation of Soham
Why you should know about Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Which is the most Detoxyfying organ in the body Imp for MSQs
Significance of Beej Mantra in Surya Namaskara IMP
Application of Asana imp VIVA Question @PQMS
One liners for Imp upanishads for MCQS
Importance of Panava japa IMP
Surya Namaskara with Chakras
Apana Mudra Important
Types of Spinal Movements used in Asanas
Benefits of Pranayama as per PYS
Precautions you will take while teaching Asanas
What are the Benefits and importance of prayer
Name the Mudras and Bandhas in Hath Yoga Pradipika
Which Pranayama can be done while walking
Who Popularized Suksumah Vyayama
About upa Pranas
Difference Between Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi
What are the ways of Mantra Japa
Salt and Water Ratio in Sankhprakshalana
What are jnanendriyas and Karmendriyas
Alternative Asanas
Prayer and Its Meaning
Ways to Achieve Samadhi as per PYS
Difference Between Maha Mudra and Maha Bandha
Difference between Suksumah and Sthula
Counter Poses
Types of Kapalabhati
Surya Namaskara Beej Mantra
What are the Benefits of Shambhavi Mudra
Relationship between Vairagya and Pratyahara
What is Sahita Pranayama(Theory)
What is Jalandhana Bandha and why it is called so?
What are the Nine forms of Bhakti
Why we use Sanmukhi Mudra in Bhramari Pranayama
Which Text Mentions about Surya Namaskara
Practical Session exam Importance (78:31)
Types of Pain as per Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Factors Influencing Yoga Teaching
Salient Features of Ideal Yoga Instructor
Who has Written Yoga Nidra
What are Antarangha Yoga
What are Bahirangha Yoga
Module 17 Mock Test for Theory Examination
Exam Importance Mock test 13
Mock Test Mastery 1
Mock Test Mastery 2
Mock Test Mastery 3
Mock Test Mastery 4
Mock Test Mastery 5
Mock Test Mastery 6
Mock Test Mastery 7
Mock Test Mastery 8
Mock Test Mastery 9
Mock Test Mastery 10
Mock Test Mastery 11
Mock Test Mastery 12
Skeletal System Basics
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